Count number of words in a string

Write a program to count a number of words in an entered string.

unsigned int Count_Words_of_Strings(char*);
int main()
	char s[100];
	unsigned int word_count = 0;
	printf("Enter String = ");
	word_count = Count_Words_of_Strings(s);
	printf("%s contains %d words\n",s,word_count);
	return 0;
unsigned int Count_Words_of_Strings(char*p)
	unsigned int count = 0;
	int j;
	j = 0;
		if(*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p  == '\t' || *p == '\0')
			j = 0;
		else if(j == 0)
			j = 1;
	return count;


Enter String = Lot To Learn
Lot To Learn contains 3 words
Enter String =       BlackBerry Apple Which is Best
      BlackBerry Apple Which is Best          contains 5 words
Enter String = Incredible India
Incredible India contains 2 words