Array of a structure

Write a program to use array of structure.

typedef struct mobile_info
	char brand[20];
	int model;
	float price;
int main()
	int i,TotalArrayElements;
	TotalArrayElements = (sizeof(v)/sizeof(v[0]));
	for(i = 0;i < TotalArrayElements;i++)
		printf("Mobile[%d] Brand = ",i);
		scanf(" %[^\n]",v[i].brand);
		printf("Mobile[%d] Model = ",i);
		printf("Mobile[%d] Price = ",i);
	printf("\nMobile Data\n");
	for(i = 0;i < TotalArrayElements;i++)
		printf("Mobile[%d] = %s %d %f\n",i,v[i].brand,v[i].model,v[i].price);
	return 0;


Mobile[0] Brand = BlackBerry
Mobile[0] Model = 10
Mobile[0] Price = 13999
Mobile[1] Brand = Apple
Mobile[1] Model = 5
Mobile[1] Price = 19999
Mobile[2] Brand = Apple
Mobile[2] Model = 6
Mobile[2] Price = 32000
Mobile[3] Brand = MI
Mobile[3] Model = 5
Mobile[3] Price = 21000
Mobile Data
Mobile[0] = BlackBerry 10 13999.000000
Mobile[1] = Apple 5 19999.000000
Mobile[2] = Apple 6 32000.000000
Mobile[3] = MI 5 21000.000000